Forcibly Unbothered
Oxymoron much? 🤣🙃😉 I've been forced to be unbothered Or was it the agony of being bothered forcibly that caused me to analyze my life for change? I can't recall exactly which one came first but fuck it, unbothered, I’ll be Being bothered is extremely expensive and taxing to my soul-so I had to take a step back, by doing this the old me needed to be taken by force My old self wanted to stay bothered, mad, and angry-living without peace and love; It was an addiction of course However, My Higher Self been calling me to be peacefully a battle of the two me’s ensued My higher self kept asking me to change my comforting toxic beliefs When I became aware that the problem was my beliefs about certain situations and individuals- I knew a reset was required A reset of thoughts that created wanting beliefs of angst Immediately resitence set in and I realized that the old me needed to be coerced into peace The old me was addicted to being bothered-this new realization has caused me to make an executive decision to become forcibly unbothered by me. SO, FORCIBLY UNBOTHERED, I’LL BE
The first image portrays how conditioned our thinking was growing up. Society didn't give us much of an opportunity to participate in the process of creating how WE see US. The second image depicts a positive, hopeful message that should have been expressed.
When WE share and tell our own stories, WE have the power to write the TRUTH about OUR lives. What do you want to create, and are you willing to be vulnerable enough to share your experiences? Our superpower awakens when we decide to be courageous enough to speak our truth. What truth will you tell? What are you dreaming about? Pursue your dreams relentlessly until they become a reality. Sharon B. 💜✏️ 📚 🙏🏾💪🏾👏🏾💜 More people are writing books — and business is skyrocketing at this publishing company11/19/2020 Flip the Switch!
Life has been emotionally draining lately. I know one thing is for sure, that if I allow myself the opportunity to smile, I have flipped the switch. That means I'm in control of changing my mental state at that moment. No one has figured out how our current state of affairs will play out; all we can do is hope for the best! It's been overwhelming to see human beings murdered daily. I hate the willful ignorance of others who want to make victims- wrong, so they don't feel uncomfortable. It's quite selfish and sickening. People- get your people!!! However, I can't let the darkness of this world kill my soul! I am resilient and tired. Both are ok. So, I reached out to loved ones whom I know care, and they reached back. - Thank you, Misty, for making me laugh today. I hadn't done that in a while. - Thanks, Kim, for being here, always! - Thank you, Sahsha, for reminding me that my "Peace and Freedom are Paramount!" Y'all we need to talk through what we are feeling and seeing, (men and women). It's not time to just be strong; it's ok to break down, scream😱, curse🤬, and 😢. We need that release to get rid of toxic emotions trapped inside from all the mess we are inundated with from the dark side of this world. - Remember, breathe, love, laugh, and smile at the little things! Love the skin you are in and flip the damn switch!✊🏾❤️🤗 I met a man today as I was sitting and reflecting on the plight of black people. He walks up and says two words, ”I'm sorry.” I didn't immediately respond because, to be honest, I didn't know if I wanted too. However, he didn't move; (exuding patience) he stood a short distance from me in silence. I looked up and said, thank you.
That opened the door to a conversation that helped brighten my day, we laughed, I cried, and we shared from our hearts. Justin is a good man who is here to listen, understand, and do the work necessary to achieve change. Thanks, Justin. Love wins❤️ Historically how have freedom been won? Was it through peaceful protests?
When the slaves where freed, was it because someone begged nicely and then the rapes, beatings, and murders stopped? NO, that's not how it works. People are mad cause people are tearing up shit? Yeah, it’s a sad day. It’s a tragic day because those in positions of power and white people who turn the other cheek have ignored the peaceful resolutions! So, people are mad and I understand that, just make sure that anger is turned in the right direction! When Kaepernick was kneeling people went insane over football, y'all chose football over black lives! Let that sink in. People will do what they know how to do. Those who have the resources to fight through education will do that, others will fight the only way they know-how. With their hands! How y’all fighting? Your non-action and dissonance have caused this. Place blame in the right place!!! Yes, I get there could be another agenda; Stop trying to highjack the REAL tragic issues we are trying to address (systematic murdering of unarmed black people) for your greed! Don't forget about covid19. |
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