Forcibly Unbothered
Oxymoron much? 🤣🙃😉 I've been forced to be unbothered Or was it the agony of being bothered forcibly that caused me to analyze my life for change? I can't recall exactly which one came first but fuck it, unbothered, I’ll be Being bothered is extremely expensive and taxing to my soul-so I had to take a step back, by doing this the old me needed to be taken by force My old self wanted to stay bothered, mad, and angry-living without peace and love; It was an addiction of course However, My Higher Self been calling me to be peacefully a battle of the two me’s ensued My higher self kept asking me to change my comforting toxic beliefs When I became aware that the problem was my beliefs about certain situations and individuals- I knew a reset was required A reset of thoughts that created wanting beliefs of angst Immediately resitence set in and I realized that the old me needed to be coerced into peace The old me was addicted to being bothered-this new realization has caused me to make an executive decision to become forcibly unbothered by me. SO, FORCIBLY UNBOTHERED, I’LL BE
July 2023
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