I was just 14 years old when I wanted someone to care; I longed to be loved and accepted by anyone. What I was unaware of at the time was, I needed someone to teach me that I was valuable. In search of love, I looked for it in all the wrong places because I felt inadequate. I did not know that I was worthy of anyone’s love. The downloads I received as a child were one of pain; the pain was all I knew and I somehow mistakenly took pain as love. The dysfunction and abuse I was raised around taught me to accept less in relationships. Healthy relationships were not portrayed in front of me, and this caused me to seek after the same dysfunctional relationships I experienced growing up. These toxic downloads that I received gave me a negative self-value system of beliefs concerning my identity and self-worth. In my search for true love and acceptance, I gravitated to unhealthy individuals. I stayed in what I considered to be at that time “love relationships” with anyone who would show me some sign that they wanted me. My desperation for love kept me in toxic relationships, and I wound up pregnant at the age of 14.
July 2023
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