Resurrecting Dreams; Doubting the Doubt!
By Sharon Blake My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?! If I were to keep it real and just, to be honest, I would have to tell you that I have asked God this question over and over again! The anger that I have felt, discouragement, pain, agony, and, the anxiety of asking God why haven't you answered my prayers was killing me emotionally. Don't get me wrong; I love God with all my heart and soul, but that has nothing to do with the disappointment that comes with a dream deferred! A dream deferred can feel like someone is ripping all hope and faith away from you if you allow toxic emotions to detour you from hope and faith. A dream deferred can keep you hoping and doubting at the same time. The patience and faith that must accompany dreaming require persistence. Do you have patience, I ask? Do you have the where with all to sustain the doubt that would come to kill every unfulfilled dream that lays dormant in your mind? You know those dreams that you told God about, and now you have made excuses for the reality of the fact that your prayers have not come to past yet. The dreams that you have given up on because you do not believe they will come to past. What about those dreams that you wouldn't dare tell anyone about because you don't even believe in them yourself. They were but mere fleeting thoughts that passed through your mind, when you ponder on them you feel exceedingly joyful, and your stomach begins to turn because of a tiny possibility that your thoughts could become a reality. But then the thought passes and the reality of the day sets in; you begin to feel the pressure of bills, work, and family gnawing at the base of your neck, and so you resign that fleeting thought and return to the familiarity of your ordinary preplanned life. Yes, you know what I am referring to because just as I have explained it, you remembered that moment in time where the thought of a something amazing quickly left your mind. I know that I have buried more than one dream in my lifetime. I have ordered the flowers and orchestrated the guest list for the service; I made sure to invite my will, emotions, and my faith to these funeral processions so that they too will know that some things are just not possible! My doubt had become greater than the reality of my true identity and because of that I put my dreams to rest! RIP Dreams was always what I wrote on the tablet of my mind and my will only for God to one day awaken me to the fact that just because I have buried my dreams does not mean that he has. Just because I had given up on waiting for some things to come to pass doesn't mean that they are not coming. For me to resurrect the faith of the dead dreams I had to believe again. I had to know who I was for real this time. Not just because people told me who I am supposed to be but because I know who I am. If I am who God says I am then, I must have a spectacular life to fulfill. A destiny that encompasses Peace and Joy. I am talking about real joy that states to a dream deferred, "you will come to pass!" Can we begin to take a leap and do what is necessary to place ourselves in the position to receive what God has in store for us? God is not going to give us anything we are not prepared to receive. We must be willing to do the work. Preparation requires work and new knowledge of new things. You cannot expect God to move on your behalf if you do not move. Real peace does not come attached with having someone or something. Peace says I will not be displaced by circumstances and people. Now, we are all human so this in no way implies that we will not feel the pains of this life. However, we can learn to deal with and respond to what happens to us without losing peace when dealing with problematic issues. We need maturity in our thought life to tell us that we can, and will have what we think and believe. We are thinking beings and those thoughts create who we are and who we have/will become. For some of us who grew up in fear and dysfunction obtaining a new thought life is required. Yes, it will take some retraining of our thought life. In my book The Thought Detox; Breaking Free from A Negative Thought Life, I explain in more detail how learning to think anew is necessary and needed to resurrect our dreams, to become who you truly desire to be. Sharon Blake
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