..The overwhelming feelings of anger and discouragement because of the fate of my people has catapulted my emotions into overdrive! I am black. I have been hated and devalued by others. I have been dehumanized by social oppressive systems and still somehow I am still here. Sometimes I feel like I am hanging on by a string! I just want to scream! However, I know that I Am a Miracle on this earth. Only God can give peace to the peace-less here on earth. Only supernatural power can have the ability to lend its power for possession to those who choose to take hold of it. There is no other explanation for how I am still standing in my right mind. Nothing but the power of the universe can allow such greatness to occur in one being.
My anger and pain stem from this country’s cognitive dissonance. We can no longer justify killings of unarmed black men. I will no longer ride the coattails of “Massa’s words and stipulations.” I will no longer accept the religious formation that is required of me but does not stand up for me. I will stand with those who stand with me in this fight for basic human rights to simply be. Who will awake to the truth with me? The reality is that what has been done to my people is a travesty. Those in charge of the systems that are supposed to hold offenders accountable for murder seem to be missing. There is lack of ownership in these charges and, in their finest hour of hypocrisy, they blame us. Words of identification aren’t necessary in order for us to know who they are, because their silence is telling. How do you sit idle and do nothing in hopes that things will just get better? Look at the news and let me know what you see. The violence that occurs in my community is a direct result of the violence that has been handed down to my community for hundreds of years. Where is the mental health resources for the trauma imposed on my forefathers in order for them to be able to teach their children a healthy way of thinking? A way of thinking that does not include living in rage, anger, and hopelessness. How does one pass down good mental health unless they possess it? Is it possible to teach something you know nothing of? You can’t teach or pass on love, peace, and hope if you do not possess it; if you do not know it. With all of the violence and separation that we have endured what do you expect us to pass down? Yet, somehow blame is placed on a people that have been literally raped and torn apart! It is now time for you to take responsibility for your inactivity one way or another. Let’s set the record straight....
July 2023
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